Terms and conditions of the Online store www.ecological.pt

  1. Scope and Object of the General conditions of the store

The present general conditions are intended, with the order form, and the other elements referred to in them, to regulate the terms and conditions for which shall be ruled the provision of EPN ECOLOGICAL PRODUTOS NATURAIS, Lda. Online store, based in Rua Alto da Azinheira No. 10, 7000-400 Evora, Portugal, under the single registration number and collective person identification number PT514119357, with the capital of €1,000, hereinafter referred to as "ECOLOGICAL, Lda".

The service consists in providing, through the www.ecological.pt address for access to the Online store that, in addition to providing information on a set of products, allows the user, via electronics, order the products in it, in terms and conditions described herein.

The package of products should be made by Users with majority, 18 (eighteen) years (individuals under must have permission of their representatives). The elements and information transmitted by the user will enjoy full legal effects, recognizing the user electronic acquisitions, and this claim the lack of subscription for non-compliance with the obligations undertaken.

  1. Product information and prices

2.1 The ECOLOGICAL, Lda. will do everything possible so that the information presented does not contain typographical errors, and will be quickly corrected whenever these occur.

The Bark and the wood used in the production of our articles are natural products, which present aspects and characteristics, as a result of your organic nature. So each item is a unique piece, which may vary slightly from photos submitted.

If you acquire a product that has different characteristics to presented online, you have the right to termination of the contract of purchase in accordance with applicable legal (right of free resolution-see point 9).

The ECOLOGICAL, Lda. will do all possible to send all ordered products, but it is possible that, in certain cases and due to causes hardly controllable by ECOLOGICAL, Lda., as human error or computer systems implications, is not can provide some of the products applied by the user. If a product is not available after making the order, will be notified by email. At this point you will be presented with the option to cancel the order with the appropriate refund, if you have already made the respective payment.

2.2 The prices of the Ecological, Lda., are in euros and include VAT of 23% to the legal rate in force, and any changes in it, will reflect immediately in the prices of all items. The Ecological, Lda. can, however, change prices at any time without need for prior information.

Any promotional campaign will have date display, and articles whose purchases are not included in the indicated period, will be charged the normal value without promotional campaign.

  1. Payment and shipping methods

3.1  Ways of payment

The method of payment available on Ecological, Lda. Shop is the bank transfer. Payments will only be valid after confirmation of good collection.

-Bank Transfer
IBAN PT50 0010 0000 5448 0530 0016 8

After sending the proof of payment to the email info@ecological.pt and after your registration we wire transfer to send.

3.2 Submissions and  loss

All orders are dispatched until 5 working days (at most), then the good recovery of payments, through Portugal post (CTT) or through Chronopost carrier.
The shipping charges, vary according to the weight of the order, presented during the purchase process and before the request.
The Ecological, Lda. is not liable for any damage arising from transport. As soon as you get the package you should verify that the packaging is in good condition.
By accepting the order, the same is considered valid and in good condition.
In case of loss, the customer will have to wait for all the demarches being made to investigate the situation.
In case of loss, the Ecological, Lda.is not responsible, having to be ascertained responsibility with the CTT or carrier.
If the package to be returned to the Ecological, Lda. for indication of incorrect or insufficient address, the same will only be resubmitted after payment of new postage.

  1. Responsibilities

4.1 All products in Online store www.ecological.pt are in accordance with the law.

4.2 The store has adequate safety levels, however the ECOLOGICAL, Lda. shall not be liable for any damage suffered by the user and/or third parties as a result of delays, interruptions, errors and suspensions that have communications from factors outside of your control, in particular any shortcomings or failures caused by network of communications or communications services provided by third parties, by the computer system, by modems, by binding or any virus software data processing arising from the download ("download") through the infected files or containing viruses or other properties that may affect the user's equipment. If for some reason access error to the site email the Online store www.ecological.pt any failure to provide service, the EPN -  ECOLOGICAL PRODUTOS NATURAIS, Lda. shall not be liable for any damages.

4.3 Data queries and information made under this service, shall be deemed made by the user, and EPN - ECOLOGICAL PRODUTOS NATURAIS, Lda. any liability for the misuse of information obtained or fraudulent.

4.4 The EPN - ECOLOGICAL PRODUTOS NATURAIS, Lda. shall not be liable for any loss or damage caused by misuse of the service that you are not directly attributable to intent or serious fault title.

4.5 The EPN - ECOLOGICAL PRODUTOS NATURAIS, Lda. is not responsible for losses or damages arising from the failure in compliance or defective compliance when such service is not directly or indirectly attributable to intent or serious fault title, not blaming in particular by (i) errors, omissions or other inaccuracies relating to the information available through the service; (ii) damage caused by the fault of the User or any third party, including breaches of intellectual property rights, (iii) for non-compliance or defective compliance resulting from court decisions or administrative authorities or (iv) by non-compliance or defective compliance resulting from the occurrence of situations of force majeure, i.e. extraordinary nature or unpredictable situations, outside the EPN - ECOLOGICAL PRODUTOS NATURAIS, Lda. and that the same cannot be controlled, such as fires, power cuts, explosions, wars, riots, insurrections, civil government decisions, strikes, earthquakes, floods or other natural disasters or other situations not controllable by the EPN - ECOLOGICAL PRODUTOS NATURAIS, Lda. which prevent or impede the fulfilment of the obligations assumed.

4.6. The EPN - ECOLOGICAL PRODUTOS NATURAIS, Lda. does not warrant that:

  1. i) The service will be provided uninterrupted, be safe, without errors or run so infinite;
  2. ii) The quality of any product, service, information, or other material purchased or obtained through the service, fill in any expectation of the user in relation to the same;

iii) Any material obtained in any way through the use of the service is used by account and risk of the user, which is solely responsible for any damage caused to your system and computer equipment or for any loss of data resulting This operation.

  1. iv) No advice or information, whether oral wants written, obtained by you from or through the service shall create any warranty not be expressed in these general conditions.

4.7. The user accepts that the EPN - ECOLOGICAL PRODUTOS NATURAIS, Lda. cannot in any way be liable for any damages, including, but not limited to damages for loss of profits, data, content, or any other losses (even if it has been previously warned by the user about the possibility of occurrence of such damages), resulting from:

  1. i) The use or inability to use the service;
  2. ii) The difficulty of obtaining any substitute goods/services;

iii) Unauthorized modification or access the personal databases.

  1. Obligations of the consumer

5.1. The user undertakes to:

  1. i) Provide personal data and addresses correct;
  2. ii) Do not use false identities;

iii) Respect the limits of tax parcels.

5.2. If some of the data is incorrect or is insufficient, and that is why there is a delay or impossibility in the processing of the order, or any non-delivery, user responsibility, ECOLOGICAL, Lda. declines any responsibility. In the case of the consumer violate any of these obligations, the ECOLOGICAL, Lda. reserves the right to eliminate future purchases, block access to the store, cancel the supply of any other services provided at the same time by ECOLOGICAL, Lda. the same user; and, still, do not allow future access to any user or any services provided by ECOLOGICAL, Lda.

  1. Privacy and Personal data protection

6.1. The ECOLOGICAL, Lda. guarantees the confidentiality of all information provided by users.

6.2. Personal data identified on the order form as mandatory delivery are essential for the provision of the service by the ECOLOGICAL, Lda. The omission or inaccuracy of the data provided by the user are of your sole responsibility and may give rise to the refusal of the services provided by ECOLOGICAL, Lda.

6.3. The personal data of the user will be processed and stored electronically and are intended to be used for ECOLOGICAL, Lda. in the context of the contractual relationship and commercial with the user.

6.4. In accordance with the applicable legislation, is guaranteed to the user, without additional charges, the right to access, rectification and update of your personal information, either directly or upon request in writing, as well as the right to object to the use of the same for the purposes provided for in the preceding paragraph, and for this purpose contact the entity responsible for processing the personal data: ECOLOGICAL, Lda.

6.5. The Internet is an open network, the personal data of the user, too much personal information and all content hosted on the service will be able to travel on the network without security conditions, running, including the risk of being accessible and used by third parties not authorized to that effect, and the ECOLOGICAL, Lda. be liable for such access and/or use.

  1. Cancellation of orders

7.1 At the request of the user.

The user can perform the cancellation of your order request to ECOLOGICAL, Lda. via e-mail referring the order number, which will be accepted provided that the same has not yet been processed. After processing, your EPN - ECOLOGICAL PRODUTOS NATURAIS, Lda. attempts to make the delivery of the same, but the user has the option not to accept.

For the purpose of cancellation the user should indicate the following information on EPN - ECOLOGICAL PRODUTOS NATURAIS, Lda.

  1. a) Order number
  2. b) VAT with which made the order and delivery address

7.2 By ECOLOGICAL, Lda. decision.

The ECOLOGICAL, Lda. reserves the right not to process orders, when you check any inconsistency in the personal data submitted or observe misconduct on the part of the buyer. The ECOLOGICAL Products, Lda. reserves the right not to perform the processing of any order or refund, if you find errors in the values and/or characteristics of the products, when these arise from technical problems or errors unrelated to the ECOLOGICAL, Lda.


  1. Return (right of withdrawal)

8.1. The user, in the case of being a consumer, may exercise the right of withdrawal without any compensation is required, within 14 (fourteen) days of the day on which the consumer acquires physical possession of the good.

To exercise this right, the user can use the draft indicated below, and indicate all your identification data, the subscribed service that aims to solve and the date of subscription. The communication must be made by letter, by returning the right acquired, or by other appropriate means and susceptible of proof within the period defined above.

The consumer must within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of communication of the resolution to return the goods to the ECOLOGICAL, Lda. under appropriate conditions of use.

For free form draft resolution (should only complete and return this form if you want to resolve the contract):


Rua Alto da Azinheira, 10
P-7000-400 Evora

E-mail: info@ecological.pt
-By this communicate/communicate (*) that handle/solved (*) my/our * contract of sale concerning the following well/to the provision of the following service (*) — requested in (*)/recived (*) — Name (s) (s) — address of the consumer (s) — the Signature (s) (s) (only if this form is notified on paper). (*) Delete as appropriate.


The package must be returned complete, as delivered and accompanied by all documentation received, inter alia, the following documents: sales invoice and the document confirming the reception of the product. The packaging and the documents indicated shall be sent free of charge to the following address:

Rua Alto da Azinheira, 10
P-7000-400 Evora

If you opt for other forms of devolution, the respective shipping costs will be your responsibility.

8.2. After receiving the return on ECOLOGICAL, Lda. will be returned to the user the value corresponding to the amount paid by the order (invoice value). If you have used a promotional discount code, this value will not be refunded, i.e., the refund will be only by effectively paid.

8.3. The method of repayment of the value to return will be made via bank transfer to the IBAN indicated. The refund is made up to 14 days after receiving the will of free resolution and reception of the return of the well.

8.4. In the absence of any of the components of the article sold, or, if any of them is not in excellent condition, no any refund of price or size, being the product sent back again to the original shipping address .

  1. Manufacturing defects

9.1. In case of manufacturing defect ", i.e. when they are detected malfunctions in articles that don't fit within the respective warranty, the user must return the article, along with a copy of the invoice, and the form" request for Exchange/ Return of the Article "filled, within no more than 30 consecutive days from the date of the invoice, to the following address:

Rua Alto da Azinheira 10,
7000-400 Evora-Portugal

If you opt for other forms of devolution, the respective shipping costs will be your responsibility.

9.2. For the exchange of the product can be carried out, must ensure that the packaging is complete (box, instruction manual, warranty card) contains all the components that constitute, in an excellent state of conservation.

9.3. In the absence of any of the items referred to above, or if any of the components is in an excellent state of conservation, there will be no Exchange, being the product sent back again to the user.

  1. Warranty

10.1. The articles have a warranty period defined by the manufacturer, which in legal terms is 2 (two) years. This period is considered from the date of the invoice of the article and can only be exercised on presentation of the guarantee card and/or proof of purchase (invoice) duly completed.

10.2. Are considered out of warranty items that have exceeded the period defined by the manufacturer or defective caused by abnormal wear, improper installation, adverse weather conditions, electrical discharges, negligence or accidents, mishandling, infiltration of moisture/liquids, use of non-original accessories and technical interventions by unauthorised personnel.

10.3. The items covered by the warranty, that failure, should be sent, with the respective proof of purchase and/or guarantee, to the following address:

Rua Alto da Azinheira, 10
P-7000-400 Evora

If you opt for other forms of devolution, the respective shipping costs will be your responsibility. The user must always request the postal Receipt that proves the sending of the order.

  1. Intellectual Property

11.1. The store is a registered website and the service provided by the site is the responsibility of EPN - ECOLOGICAL PRODUTOS NATURAIS, Lda.

11.2. You acknowledge that the service contains confidential information and is protected by copyright and related rights, intellectual property and other applicable laws.

11.3. The user acknowledges that any content included in advertising, featured, promotion or mention of any sponsor or advertiser is protected by laws relating to copyright and related rights, the laws concerning property industrial and other property protection laws, and any use of such content can only occur under express authorization of their respective holders.

11.4. the user undertakes to respect in full the rights referred to in the preceding paragraph, in particular refraining from practicing any acts that might violate the law or these duties, such as reproduction, commercialization, the transmission or the making available to the public of such content or any other unauthorized acts which have as their object the same content.

  1. Security conditions of the service

12.1. The user undertakes to observe all applicable legal provisions, in particular, not to perform or to encourage the practice of illicit or offensive acts of morality, such as the indiscriminate sending of unsolicited communications ( spamming) in violation of the provisions of the legislation apply to the processing of personal data and advertising communications through automatic calling devices, and observe the rules of use of the service, under penalty of the ECOLOGICAL, Lda. suspend or disable the service as referred to in point 15.

12.2. The user expressly acknowledges and accepts that the IP Network is a public electronic communications network susceptible for use by multiple users, and as such, subject to computer overloads, the ECOLOGICAL, Lda. does not guarantee the provision of the service without interruption, loss of information or delays.

12.3. The ECOLOGICAL, Lda. also does not guarantee the provision of the service in case of unpredictable overload in systems that support or force majeure (extraordinary nature or unpredictable situations, outside the ECOLOGICAL, Lda., and that the same may not be controlled).

12.4. In case of interruption of the provision of the service for reasons unpredictable overload of systems in that it supports, the ECOLOGICAL, Lda. undertakes to rectify the your operation as soon as possible.

  1. Suspension and deactivation of the Shop service

13.1. Regardless of any prior communication or later, the ECOLOGICAL, Lda. may at any time, and according to your sole discretion, discontinue providing the service or part of the service to one or all users.

13.2. The ECOLOGICAL, Lda. reserves the right to suspend or cease immediately the access to the service, in the following cases:

  1. a) When the user does not comply with the conditions of use referred to in point 5 and others referred to in the General conditions;
  2. b) When the ECOLOGICAL, Lda. cease access to the store, upon prior communication with 15 days in advance on the date of termination.

13.3. The suspension or termination of service by ECOLOGICAL, Lda., pursuant to the preceding paragraphs, no matter the right of the user or third parties for any damages or other compensation, and ECOLOGICAL, Lda. be liable or otherwise burdened, for any consequence resulting from the suspension, revocation, cancellation of the service.

13.4. In the situations described above, the ECOLOGICAL, Lda. previously communicated to the user, so that this can, trying to safeguard the contents of your viewing area of orders within 3 (three) working days following the dispatch of the email or the information available on the main page of the service.

  1. Commercial communications

14.1. Without prejudice to other forms of communication provided for in these General Conditions, the user made notifications related to the service, including any amendments to the present general conditions, can be made to the email address of the user.

14.2. You agree to receive any communication and/or notification related to the Online Shop, for the address, contact phone and or email address ("email") listed in the ordering process.

At any time, may request the non-receipt of these communications and/or notifications through the contact form or via the option "not to receive the Newsletter" inscribed in each Newsletter.

  1. Technical Settings

15.1. Without prejudice to the provisions of the following paragraph, the ECOLOGICAL, Lda. You can change the service and/or technical conditions of provision, as well as the respective rules of use, and to disclose to the user such changes with a minimum notice of 15 (fifteen) days.

15.2. The actual version of the general conditions and the annexes is at any time available on www.ecological.pt .

Rua Alto da Azinheira, 10
P-7000-400 Evora


  1. Communications

16.1. If the ECOLOGICAL, Lda. understand necessary or convenient to optimize the browsing experience and/or improve the conditions of connectivity, the same you can rephrase the network settings remotely.

16.2. Without prejudice to the following paragraphs, and the innovative nature of the service, and technological developments that may be subject, ECOLOGICAL, Lda. You can change the settings of the same techniques where it proves convenient to adapt to any technological developments.

16.3. The ECOLOGICAL, Lda. does not guarantee however the user performing any upgrades or improvements to the service.

16.4. Some upgrades or new features of the service may be available only against payment of the user and/or subscription for the same, Specific conditions of use.

  1. Complaints

17.1. The user can submit any contractual disputes, arbitration and mediation mechanisms which are or will be legally established, as well as complaining to the EPN - ECOLOGICAL PRODUTOS NATURAIS, Lda. of acts and omissions that violate the legal provisions applicable to the procurement of goods.

17.2. The complaint must be submitted within 30 (thirty) days, counted from the knowledge of the facts by the user, being registered in the information systems of ECOLOGICAL, Lda. who should decide the complaint and notify the interested party within 30 (thirty) days from the date of your reception.

  1. Applicable law

The contract is governed by Portuguese law.

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